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Videos from The Ruby Hoedown Now Online

By Peter Cooper / August 28, 2007


The Ruby Hoedown was a North Carolina based Ruby conference that took place on August 10-11, 2007. From all accounts, it was a roaring success, and now the videos of the presentations given have been made available. Topics include:

  • Ruby and Rails Testing Techniques by Marcel Molina, Bruce Tate, and Chad Fowler.
  • Exploring Merb by Ezra Zygmuntowicz.
  • Next-Gen VoIP Development with Ruby and Adhearsion by Jay Phillips.
  • Building Games with Ruby by Andrea O.K. Wright.
  • Does Ruby Have a Chasm to Cross? by Ken Auer.
  • Using C to Tune Your Ruby or Rails Application by Jared Richardson.

All this along with some lightning talks and two keynotes by Bruce Tate and Marcel Molina. Enjoy!

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