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TwitterLand: 5 Twitter Data APIs In A Single Gem

By Peter Cooper / August 9, 2009

twitter.pngTwitterLand (Github repository) is a single Ruby library that packages up access to, currently, 5 different Twitter-related data services. Note, however, it's not a library that allows you to post to Twitter - you'll want Twitter4R or John Nunemaker's Twitter gem for that.

More services are sure to be added to TwitterLand, but currently it makes it easy to get data from these five:

  • Follow Cost - A service that gives a "cost" on how annoying it will be to follow a specific Twitter user.
  • Twitter Grader - Provides info on how Twitter users measure up to each other in terms of popularity. It uses a user's number of followers, following, and updates to come up with a ranking.
  • Mr. Tweet - A service that helps people find new people to follow on Twitter.
  • Twinfluence - A "Twitter influence analyzer."
  • TwitterCounter - The granddaddy of Twitter data mashups, TwitterCounter provides historical counts of users' following and follower counts (amongst other info).

Notably, TwitterLand is developer Bradley Joyce's first gem, so congratulations to him.

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  1. Bradley Joyce says:

    Peter, thanks for the blog post! Definitely hope to be adding a lot more twitter-related apis to the gem soon.

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