Ruby Inside and Rails Inside Redesigned – Check It Out
They've had several days to settle in, but because most of you will be reading via the RSS feed it's time to make a point to announce that... Ruby Inside and Rails Inside have both been redesigned! If you usually just read the full-text RSS feed, do come and visit the site - if only to let us know what you think.
The new design marks the 3rd major redevelopment of Ruby Inside since 2006 and the stats from the last week are showing it to be a lot more effective with a 40% increase in pageviews per visitor. As well as an improved design, new features include:
- An extended "elsewhere" section with automatically updated links to other top Ruby content each day
- Our listing of the "Top 10 Ruby Sites" on every page's sidebar (Wanna know what they are? Visit the site!)
- A listing of our recommended Ruby books on every sidebar
- New, graphic-oriented "related posts" bar on every post - a great way to find other posts to read
- Search (people were asking for this a lot)
- A "fixed"/permanent header bar - reaction so far has been positive but I'm not entirely sure it's quite right yet..
- A proper page for people who want to post to our jobs board. No longer are you dumped right into a sales form - you get to learn a bit about it first.
Lastly, I'd like to thank all of you for reading and supporting us over the years - ultimately it's you, by reading every day, that keeps this site going.
As an aside, I've also quietly launched a The Ruby Way blog, dedicated to unearthing interesting bits and pieces from Hal Fulton's awesome Ruby book.
October 5, 2009 at 1:25 pm
Oh guys the dark red is so much nicer color :(
October 5, 2009 at 1:28 pm
Overall a nice refresh. The static header is a bit distracting though.
October 5, 2009 at 2:17 pm
I second Eivind. The static header is a bit distracting. I'd rather have it small (smaller, simpler, the better) and not static, like Google header. I also think it's nice to see RailsInside, JRubyInside, RubyFlow, any other related sort of rubyinside links (thumbnails?) appear on the header.
October 5, 2009 at 3:05 pm
Vojto: I don't think the red is much different to before - the "before" screenshot in the post above is darkened for effect, however, if you're going by that.
I don't know how brightly the red comes out on other people's screens but I wouldn't be against toning it down a bit if it feels all "ARGH MY EYEBALLS ARE BURNING" to other people.. :)
October 5, 2009 at 3:06 pm
Arie: Good idea regarding the other links. We used to do that but I wanted to tighten things up. I see where we could put them though..!
October 5, 2009 at 4:05 pm
Hmmm... I like the static header, but the shadow of the "ri" logo is clipped under the bottom corner...
October 5, 2009 at 5:53 pm
Looks fresh! I like the color scheme et al, but I don't really see the point of the fixed header though. Makes me think of the old days :)
October 5, 2009 at 5:54 pm
The old FRAMESET days that was (it stripped out my tag)