QCon: Conference in London, UK, This March Has Extensive Ruby Track
QCon is a collaboration between InfoQ and JAOO to host the biggest enterprise software development exhibition and conference in Europe this March. With tutorial sessions on March 12 and 13, the exhibition and conference start on Wednesday, March 14 and run through to Friday, March 16.
The conference is a major affair, with two nights of social events, two days of tutorials prior to the main conference, and 11 tracks of panels, keynotes, and presentations. The tracks include .Net, AJAX, Java, Agile practices, SOA, usability, and Ruby. The Ruby track is hosted by popular Rubyist Obie Fernandez, and features presentations from Dave Thomas (Pragmatic Programmers), Rich Kilmer (founder of RubyConf), *** **** (Mongrel creator and Ruby God), James Adam (Rails Engines), and Ezra Zygmuntowicz (Engine Yard).
As all of the Ruby track is running on one day (March 16) I shall be there that day if anyone wants to meet up. If you want to register for the conference, you can sign up from the official QCon site, where you can also learn about all of the other tracks and events taking place.
January 8, 2007 at 10:51 am
Looks great.
I had a look at the registration page: https://secure.eos.dk/qcon/registration/
Do you know how/where you can register for just the Friday as opposed to all three days of the conference?
January 8, 2007 at 12:17 pm
Looks really great !
January 9, 2007 at 8:34 am
Good question, I'll point it out to them, although I'm getting the impression you can't.
January 10, 2007 at 12:32 pm
I dropped them a mail and it is possible to register for the Friday only:
The price for 1 day is: GBP 510 / EUR 750 before January 15.
There is two ways of registrating:
1. Go to the website and register as for 3 days conference, choose invoice as paying form and we will adjust the price.
2. Register through us, send me a mail with the information as in the form of the website registration, we will send you an invoice.