Ruby Weekly is a weekly newsletter covering the latest Ruby and Rails news.

By Peter Cooper / July 6, 2007

Each month I do a round-up of the new jobs on the Ruby Inside job board. June was a slim month with only two new jobs. Both are pretty good though!

Telecoms in Tampa – $80,000 per year

The latest vacancy is for a Ruby Programmer at a Tampa, Florida based company that specializes in telecommunications. You’ll be expected to analyze business requirements, write design specs, and program in Ruby, as well as develop Rails applications. The interesting part about the job is that it requires Asterisk (open source VOIP software) knowledge, so there’s clearly some telecoms development involved there. Read More

By Peter Cooper / July 6, 2007


One of the best Ruby resources out there (if not the best) is RubyForge. It’s a home for Ruby-related open source projects and acts as a default home for the hundreds of RubyGems we all use and love.

A small team, made up of Jason Perry, K. Adam Christensen, Scott Becker, and James Seaman, however, think that it might be time for a RailsForge to come onto the scene. They’ve set up a community survey at that anyone can fill out, and they’re looking for your opinions:

At first glance, there’s a resistance to drawing a line between Ruby and Rails—that’s certainly not what we aim to do. Read More

By Peter Cooper / July 2, 2007

Chickenfacebook has a comprehensive tutorial covering how to build a Facebook platform application using Ruby on Rails from start to finish.

The guys over at Thoughtbot also wrote a post two weeks ago looking at some of what they’ve learned while porting an application to the Facebook platform. Read More

By Peter Cooper / July 1, 2007


Ryan Bates, creator of Railscasts – a free Rails screencast site, has created a great screencast about how to contribute code and documentation to Ruby on Rails, from actually checking out Rails, preparing the test environment, making your changes and building a patch, through to submitting the patch and basking in the glow of having contributed to the project.

Not only all that, but he’s also launched a contest. All you have to do is submit a good Rails documentation patch to the Ruby on Rails development site and drop the link to an e-mail address provided for the contest, and on July 27, 2007 eight random winners will receive prizes (which include a Nintendo DS, Railcast t-shirts, Pragmatic Programmer books, a Peepcode subscription, and an iPod Shuffle). Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 29, 2007


OCaml (short for Objective Caml) is an object oriented implementation of Caml, a derivative of ML. Like Ruby, it’s an open source language, but it provides extremely high performance (at least 50% that of compiled C code, in general) and features static typing. You can learn more, and look at code examples, at OCaml’s Wikipedia entry.

Mauricio Fernandez of Eigenclass has put together rocaml (readme), a bridge between Ruby and OCaml that lets you write Ruby extensions in OCaml. It handles the type conversions for you and creates boilerplate code that registers Ruby methods and wraps the calls to your OCaml code. Read More

By Hendy Irawan / June 26, 2007

Sake is a RubyGem by Chris Wanstrath which executes and manages system-wide Rake tasks. Whereas Rake is project-specific, Sake allows the developer to examine, install, run, and uninstall Rake files and tasks globally, much like the way Rubygems does this for Ruby libraries.

Sake files are for the most part just regular Rake files:

namespace :db do
desc “Returns the current schema version”
task :version => :environment do
puts “Current version: ” +

desc “Show specs when testing”
task :spec do
ENV['TESTOPTS'] = ‘–runner=s’

Installing a task is easy:

$ sake -i err.rake spec
# Installing task `spec’
$ sake -T
sake spec # Show specs when testing

You can combine Sake global tasks and project-specific Rake tasks, as Sake picks them up automatically. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 25, 2007


John Lam, a Foocamp attendee, reports that Steve Yegge gave a presentation called “Google Rails Clone” that looks into a JavaScript clone of Rails developed at Google. I can’t find any other references yet, and John only mentions the basics, but if this is all true, it could eventually become a big deal.. especially if Google open sources it and JavaScript does become the “next big language”.

It does sound rather unlikely that Yegge ported the entirety of Rails to JavaScript entirely by himself (although he is a coding god, and one of my own computer science heroes) but I’m guessing more news will leak out of the big G in the near future.. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 24, 2007

Paul Dowman has put together a feature-packed Ruby on Rails focused “appliance” for Amazon’s EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud – effectively an on-demand, flexible VPS service). Those who know what they’re doing can try it out right away, using the AMI id: ami-4e907527.

The image is built upon Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty), Rails 1.2.3, Ruby 1.8.5, MySQL 5, and includes the EC2 command line tools along with automatic backup of MySQL databases to S3 every ten minutes. Applications are served up using Mongrel clusters behind Apache 2.2. Paul’s blog post includes more details and a guide of how to use it. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 24, 2007

This is a call for help and opinions! One of our finest needs your input..

Jeremy McAnally (a.k.a. Mr. Neighborly), author of the fine Mr. Neighborly’s Humble Little Ruby Book, is busy working on his Google Summer Of Code project, dcov, a Ruby documentation analyzer. Some aspects of developing dcov are easy (such as reporting or basic coverage analysis), but Jeremy’s having problems when trying to work out how to analyze the quality of documentation.. so he’s looking for input:

The first part of the analysis is quantity: is something documented? Right now, this works famously: it can give you a precise precentage of your functional unit documentation coverage. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 24, 2007

Gregory Brown has put together a great four-page tutorial on how to build a database driven console application using Ruby and ActiveRecord (no Rails needed!). As well as delivering what the title suggests, Brown also looks at some neat Ruby techniques for structuring applications in general (such as using modules and module_function). The end result is an app called “EarGTD,” a basic time / task management tool. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 22, 2007


Kevin Clark revels that Powerset – a “natural language” based search engine, seen by some as a future “Google killer” – is going to launch with a Ruby powered front end. In itself, this isn’t particularly amazing, although if Powerset realizes its Google-killing goals, having a major search engine powered by Ruby will be kudos indeed.

Of more interest is that Powerset is using a mixture of Rails, Merb, and Camping apps throughout the company, and that Powerset is “not worried about scaling.” Clark quotes Blaine Cook of Twitter:

Rails and Ruby haven’t been stumbling blocks, compared to any other language or framework. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 20, 2007


Registration is now open for the Lone Star Ruby Conf taking place in Austin, Texas on September 7 and 8 (Friday and Saturday) of this year. If you book before August 10, you’ll get in for the early bird rate of $200. There’s a wide range of speakers from Rick Olson (Mephisto) and P J Hyett through to Charles Oliver Nutter (JRuby) and *** **** (Mongrel) so if you can get to Texas in September, check it out. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 19, 2007


Practical Ruby Gems is a new book written by David Berube and published by Apress that looks at the practical uses of a collection of Ruby gems. Tim Hunter, who also reviewed my Beginning Ruby (which is doing a good job of tanking in the Amazon rankings, but I’m in it for the long haul!), has written a lengthy review for Slashdot. Here’s a direct affiliate-free link to the book on I was expecting to review a copy myself, but I’m more than happy to trust Tim based on his previous reviews of Ruby books. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 18, 2007

Geoffrey Grosenbach, author of the famous PeepCode screencasts, has written a tutorial about using Ryan Davis’ hoe library to make releasing your own RubyGems a cakewalk. Geoffrey says that using Hoe turns a laborious, multi-step twenty minute process into only a few Rake tasks. Hoe takes the automation of Gem publishing seriously, and once you’ve set it up properly you can go as far as let it post announcements (to your blog and/or Rubyforge), build your docs, create an e-mail announcement, run testing packages against the library, as well as actually releasing and uploading the gem to Rubyforge ready for public consumption. Read More

By Peter Cooper / June 16, 2007


Last month, a lengthy discussion kicked off on Ruby-Talk called “Why not adopt Python style indentation for Ruby?” .. it wasn’t anything particularly new, because a similar discussion occurred six years ago. Nevertheless, a coder called Jinjing has been inspired to create Lazibi, a Ruby pre-processor to allow one to use Python style indentation within Ruby code.

It’s clever enough, but I can’t see standalone pre-processors becoming popular. It does make me think that official support for pre-processing of some sort within Ruby itself would be pretty cool though for people who want to use hacks like these. Read More

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