Quick, quick, RubyConf 2011 registration has opened today and until they run out, you can buy tickets at this link. (They cost $350.) (Update July 15 – they seem to have sold out!) Why the urgency? RubyConf is notorious for selling out quickly (I think RubyConf 2009 sold out in 5 hours or something crazy?) and there are still tickets left now, 9 hours later.
RubyConf is taking place between September 29 – October 1, 2011 and it’s in New Orleans, Louisiana, as last year, at the Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel in the French Quarter.
The schedule has also been posted and its highlights include sessions like:
- Exceptional Ruby by Avdi Grimm
- Writing Solid Ruby Code by Jim Weirich
- Advanced EventMachine by Jonathan Weiss
- GitHub Flavored Ruby by Tom Preston-Werner
- Ruby in the browser with NativeClient (NaCl) by Ilya Grigorik
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