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Merb 1.0 RC2 Now Available: Merb 1.0 Not Far Behind!

By Eldon Alameda / October 24, 2008

merblogo.png Following on from the highly successful MerbCamp, the Merb Framework took another big step this week with the announcement of the availability of release candidate 2 for it's upcoming 1.0 release (due within weeks now). No major changes and The Merbist blog lists mainly a focus on bug fixes and Windows compatibility:

The main focus for this release was to fix bugs and make the stack Windows compatible. We didn’t get any major bugs in RC1 but fixed a lot of small annoyances and problems with generated resources. We also made sure Merb itself would work properly with Windows (not using incompatible signals etc..) and we spent some time getting the Data Object sqlite3 drivers compiled on Windows.

Seems like a great time to begin playing around with Merb if you haven't yet. You can install / update Merb through RubyGems using sudo gem install merb

Ruby Inside is planning to run a resource packed feature on Merb when it hits 1.0, so keep your eyes peeled!

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  1. Markus Jais says:

    Loocking forward to your 1.0 coverage. I like Merb. It's great, even for Rails, as competition drives innovation.
    When the 3 upcoming books and a 1.0 version, I think Merb will find many users.

  2. Ashley Moran says:

    I'm also waiting eagerly to see what you have in store. I think Merb will be a give a much-needed shakeup to the Ruby webdev community (if it hasn't already). But we need good documentation and tutorials! That's the most important thing to a young project.

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