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Learn Rails in Salt Lake City – March 15, 2007

By Peter Cooper / January 27, 2007


The unstoppable Geoffrey Grosenbach has just announced he's running a one-day Ruby workshop in Salt Lake City on March 15, the day before the Mountain West Ruby Conference. The workshop will focus on Web application development with Rails 1.2.


  1. Dejan Dimic says:

    That is an great effort for spread the enthusiasm and knowledge.
    Unfortunately for us, from countries at the end of the world, we are somehow incapable to attend.
    Nevertheless, we look forward to get podcast from the event.

  2. Pat Eyler says:

    We're working on a deal now to get podcasting set up from the conference. Look for details soon.

    Hopefully, someday, the Ruby community can make regional conferences happen everywhere, even at the ends of the world.

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