Ruby Weekly is a weekly newsletter covering the latest Ruby and Rails news.

Latest Ruby and Rails Events News: September 2008

By Peter Cooper / September 14, 2008

Here's the latest events news in the Ruby and Rails worlds! Please make sure to post a comment if you have events to mention or tell us via the Contact page.

vtmpr.png Voices That Matter: Professional Ruby Conference - November 17-20, 2008 - Boston, MA, USA

The Voices That Matter: Professional Ruby Conference will "provide practical, people-oriented and in-depth information about using Ruby and the Rails platform to create dynamic technology solutions." Obie Fernandez is the conference's technical chair, and heads a solid speaker list including Ruby and Rails luminaries here like Giles Bowkett, Thomas Enebo, Hal Fulton, Chad Pytel, Tammer Saleh, Ezra Zygmuntowicz, and others.

Registration is open and costs $795 until October 6. However, I'm told that if you use the promotional code PRZSPNS you get a $200 discount (for a total of $595)! (Disclaimer: Ruby Inside is running a cross promotion with Pearson Education. No money is involved, but Ruby Inside's logo will feature in their promotional materials.)

rubydcamp.png RubyDCamp - October 11-12, 2008 - Arlington, VA, USA

RubyDCamp bills itself as the first Ruby "Open Space" event which means, supposedly, that all attendees are expected to be active participants in discussion and in solving some sort of problem. It seems that this means perceived flaws in Ruby and its ecosystem will be discussed and then resolved together as a team. I've probably missed the point, but I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun and a refreshing change to the presentation format used by most other events.

railsrumble.pngRails Rumble - October 18-19, 2008 - Online!

Rails Rumble is a 48 hour "virtual" event - a "design/develop/deploy" competition for Rails developers. You build an app (alone or in a team), host the source on Github (a sponsor), deploy it on Linode (a sponsor - and also a sponsor of Ruby Inside) and compete to win prizes. Registration is not currently open, but keep an eye out!

barcamplogo.png Raleigh Ruby Camp - October 18, 2008 - Raleigh, NC, USA

The Raleigh Ruby Camp is a BarCamp-style event to be held in Raleigh, NC in October. Up to 200 Rubyists will be there and the event will follow a typical "un-conference" format. No prescheduled talks, you put your name and idea on a board on the day, and roll with the punches! A hack-a-thon is also planned.

merbcamp.png MerbCamp - October 11-12, 2008 - San Diego, CA, USA

MerbCamp is an official gathering for the Merb community. Confirmed keynotes are by Ezra Zygmuntowicz and Yehuda Katz. The conference will take place in San Diego, California on October 11-12 on the UCSD campus. Registration is now open - costs $50 and includes all talks and events, two lunches, one dinner, a t-shirt and "other surprises." I don't know how they can do it all so cheaply, but then it is Merb we're talking about!

rubyconf2008.png RubyConf08 - November 6-8, 2008 - Orlando, FL, USA

RubyConf celebrates its eighth birthday this year! It's the eighth international Ruby conference. The conference will be held at the Omni Orlando Resort at Championsgate in Orlando, Florida in November. You can stay at the resort itself and enjoy three full days of Ruby conference goodness. The schedule looks ridiculously good - I almost wish I were to be there!

Addition: Dr. Nic adds that a RailsCamp will be taking place near Adelaide, Australia in November 2008.


  1. Dr Nic says:

    Outside of the USA... the 4th RailsCamp is being held in November in Adelaide, South Australia ( So awesome that its already sold out. RailsCamp #5 will be in Queensland in 2009.

  2. Jeremy says:

    I believe that an open spaces event entails that format, talks (if there are any), content, theme, etc. are all decided by the attendees at the conference. The Wikipedia article sort of concentrates on the ability to handle controversial topics easier, but in general these sorts of things aren't like that, these days at least.

    Best way to think about it: BarCamp but for Ruby.

  3. Geoffrey Grosenbach says:

    Others in October and November are Ruby Manor in the UK, Rails Camp Denmark, the Great Lakes Ruby Bash, and Rails Summit Brazil:

  4. Peter Cooper says:

    I forgot to link to it in the post, but:

    .. also.

  5. James Herdman says:

    MerbCamp is tragically during Canadian Thanksgiving. Alas...

  6. Peter Cooper says:

    There's a South Carolina Ruby Conference - - on October 18 in Columbia, SC (same day the NC camp).

  7. Matt Polito says:

    What about Windy City Rails? - - September 20!

  8. Tim Case says:

    Rails Summit Latin America (in São Paulo, Brazil) October 15th - 16th

  9. Peter Cooper says:

    Note that I left out Rails Summit Latin America, just because it was in the last events news a cpl weeks ago and there's no news on it. However, this gives me an idea..

  10. Jeff says:

    This is also the last week to register for REST with Rails, in Austin, TX on Oct 4. Readers here can use the discount code "PWRRAUSTIN" to get 30% off registration.

    More details here:

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