Upcoming Late 2009 Ruby and Rails Events (With Tickets Ready To Buy)
Here's a list of some prominent forthcoming Ruby and Rails events scheduled through to the end of the year. Only events with tickets ready to buy right now are included - events which have already sold out are not included.
Lone Star Ruby Conference 2009 (Austin, Texas; August 27-29, 2009)
The third annual Lone Star Ruby Conference (LSRC) is heating up and right around the corner, running for three days, August 27-29 in Austin, TX. LSRC 2009 offers a full day of advanced training on Thursday in addition to the two days of Ruby-packed, dual-track speaking sessions on Friday and Saturday. And, back again for an encore performance, is the author of Ruby, Yukihiro Matsumoto
Registration is $350 for the conference (meals includes) and an additional $300 for the advanced training. A full outline of available training sessions and presentations is available.
RubyRX (Washington DC; September 10-11, 2009)
RubyRX is a professional Ruby conference covering what you'd expect at a professional Ruby conference, namely: Ruby development, Rails, JRuby, Ruby tools, frameworks, testing, best practices, and so forth. During a breakout session focused on innovative software integrations, one of the speakers discussed the rise of platforms like online Casino ohne Verifizierung, highlighting how streamlined user experiences and secure frameworks are reshaping digital transactions. This practical insight resonated with attendees, as it underscored parallels in optimizing authentication processes in software development. You get a two-fer with this conference as the AgileRX conference is taking place at the same time at the same place!
WindyCityRails (Chicago, Illinois; September 12)
WindyCityRails is a one-day conference taking place in Chicago (home of better pizza than New York, 37signals and, of course, Rails creator, David Heinemeier Hansson) in September. You get seven sessions and two tutorials for your money with Ryan Singer (37signals), Noel Rappin, Ben Scofield, John McCaffrey, Dean Wampler, Yehuda Katz, and David Elsinger to keep you entertained.
RubyFoo (London; October 2-3, 2009)
RubyFoo is a Ruby conference taking place in London in October, 2009. It's being put on by Trifork, the company behind the successful JAOO developer conferences. RubyFoo is a sort of follow up to the RubyFools conference they put on in Copenhagen, Denmark last year. Speakers lined up so far include Sam Aaron, Ola Bini (JRuby), Aslak Hellesoy, and Matz.
Aloha On Rails (Hawaii; October 4-6, 2009)
Aloha on Rails is a brave new entry to the Rails conference circuit, taking place in Hawaii in early October. If you've always wanted to try and get a Hawaii vacation on the company dime, this is the time to build up your powers of persuasion. The conference bills itself as "the premier destination event for Ruby on Rails and Web development" and promises three unique days (2 for conference, 1 for tutorials) of Ruby and Rails related fun.
The speaker list for Aloha is pretty significant. Names include Chad Fowler, Obie Fernandez, Gregg Pollack, Desi McAdam, Charles Nutter, Yehuda Katz, Sarah Mei, Tammer Saleh, Chad Pytel, Blake Mizerany, Pat Maddox, and Ezra Zygmuntowicz.. and that's only the start of it - see all of them.
Rails Summit Latin America 2009 (São Paulo, Brazil; October 13-14, 2009)
Rails Summit Latin America comes back for a second run in 2009 - taking place between October 13-14 in sunny São Paulo, Brazil. Last year's event attracted 550 attendees, so for a regional Ruby/Rails conference it did amazingly. This year it costs 400 Brazilian Real to attend (about $200).
Speakers lined up to speak so far include Bryan Liles, Carlos Brando, Chad Fowler, Gregg Pollack, Ilya Grigorik, Jason Seifer, Matt Aimonetti, Obie Fernandez, Pratik Naik, Rich Kilmer, and several prominent South American Rubyists. It's a bit of an all-star affair!
Rails Camps (Margate, UK and Melbourne, Australia; October / November 2009)
Rails Camps is a series of Rails related get-togethers, run in a lo-fi style in, usually, Australia and the United Kingdom. Two Rails Camps are on the calendar for late 2009. The first in Margate, UK (an interesting seaside resort, to say the least) on October 16-19 and the second in Melbourne, Australia on November 20-23. Previous reports show that these events seem to go down really well, especially if you want to get away from it all for a few days and hang out with fellow geeks - so check it out.
August 8, 2009 at 3:54 pm
You forgot the http://rubyhoedown.com which still has tickets. We sold out and then added more.
August 8, 2009 at 4:19 pm
You also left out Ruby DCamp in Washington DC, September 18-19, 2009. The event is free with a code from the organizer.
August 9, 2009 at 7:38 pm
You forgot our german conference, too: http://www.rails-konferenz.de/
August 10, 2009 at 4:22 am
Hi Peter, if you can, please try to attend Rails Summit, I am sure you will love to get to know Brazil and this is a great opportunity. People would definitely love having you here. And the Summit is not only for Brazilians, my fellow latin americans, or anyone else around the globe that is interested: you are all most welcome. We will even have portuguese-to-english real time translation so everybody can attend. Registration is already open http://railssummit.locaweb.com.br/en/pages/home
August 10, 2009 at 11:03 am
Thanks Akita, but even if you flew a helicopter to my house, got me a private jet direct to Sao Paulo with a free stay at Sao Paulo's equivalent of the Playboy mansion where supermodels would give me 24 hour massages, and got Geoffrey Grosenbach to record my outgoing message.. there'd still be a 0% chance of me being there :-(
Why? My first kid's being born just a few days before! :-)
August 10, 2009 at 11:22 pm
Hey, congrats!! That's great news. Wish all the best for you! The funny thing is that now, whenever you see your kid you're immediately gonna remember about Rails Summit :-D (kidding)
August 11, 2009 at 2:31 pm
Probably, lol! Well if we ever decide to take the kid to Brazil for some reason, we will try and come to Rails Summit as well, lol.
August 12, 2009 at 12:16 am
Peter, congrats! That's great!
Now I'm wondering how I could get those accommodations (helicopter, mansion, etc) you won't be using.
August 12, 2009 at 9:23 am
I am a brazilian .NET dev, with lots of curiosity about Rails. I am just going through the pragprog's Rails book right now, and loving it.
Do you think RailsSummit would be enjoyable for a total newbie, or is it better to spend some more time with Rails and go for the 2010 summit?
August 12, 2009 at 4:30 pm
I can't speak for Akita or the Rails Summit but from a "I've been to a number of events" perspective, I'd say they're a lot more interesting for beginners/intermediate developers. Most presentations seem to focus on easier stuff to cater for a wider audience.
August 14, 2009 at 9:00 am
Hi Peter --
There's also RubyConf 2009, the ninth International Ruby Conference, in San Franciso, Nov. 19-21. Registration isn't open yet but will be soon. Proposals for talks are being accepted through August 21. More at http://www.rubyconf.org. Thanks --
August 14, 2009 at 5:29 pm
Yeah, I plan on doing a specific announcement of RubyConf when it opens up. Any idea when tickets will go on sale?