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JRuby 1.1 Beta 1 Released; Faster Than The Regular Ruby Interpreter

By Peter Cooper / November 4, 2007

Thomas Enebo of the JRuby team has announced the release of the first beta of JRuby 1.1. This is a significant release, focusing heavily on performance increases. The performance increases yielded so far are so significant that in most like-for-like tests, JRuby beats the regular Ruby interpreter (a.k.a. MRI) JRuby 1.1. On Rails-focused tests, JRuby also wins.. making JRuby the fastest way to run Rails applications at present. Charles Nutter talks about the improvements, along with a number of other interesting JRuby-related topics, in his latest blog post - a must read for Ruby implementation nuts.


  1. SMERF says:

    I don't understand. I just did a quick and dirty test and MRI is twice as fast as JRuby 1.1b1 (MBP 2GB 2.16GHz osx 10.4.10 )

    MATZ - MRI

    irb(main):006:0> puts Benchmark.measure { pythag(5000) }
    20.980000 0.120000 21.100000 ( 22.582690)
    => nil
    irb(main):007:0> puts Benchmark.measure { pythag(5000) }
    20.620000 0.140000 20.760000 ( 24.144776)
    => nil

    JRUBY 1.2.1b1

    irb(main):003:0> puts Benchmark.measure { pythag(5000) }
    40.231000 0.000000 40.231000 ( 40.230000)
    => nil
    irb(main):004:0> puts Benchmark.measure { pythag(5000) }
    41.851000 0.000000 41.851000 ( 41.851000)
    => nil

  2. SMERF says:

    def pythag(n)
    result = []
    (2..n).each do |c|
    (1...c).each do |b|
    a = Math.sqrt(c*c - b*b)

  3. SMERF says:

    Sorry, the html sanitizer ate half of my comment.

    def pythag(n)
    result = []
    (2..n).each do |c|
    (1...c).each do |b|
    a = Math.sqrt(c*c - b*b)
    result << [a.to_i, b, c] if a.to_i == a

  4. Charles Oliver Nutter says:

    SMERF: Run JRuby with -J-server, which will use the faster "server" do so in JIRB, run it like this:

    jruby -J-server -S irb

  5. Charles Oliver Nutter says:

    Also, I notice now that your pythag function is iterative, which means that it won't get JIT compiled until it's been called 20 times. Try running it at a command line. I did so with -J-server, with a script that benchmarks pythag(5000) twice and got the following results:

    ~/NetBeansProjects/jruby $ jruby -J-server test/bench/bench_pythag.rb
    18.050000 0.000000 18.050000 ( 18.049000)
    17.857000 0.000000 17.857000 ( 17.857000)
    ~/NetBeansProjects/jruby $ ruby test/bench/bench_pythag.rb
    21.180000 0.050000 21.230000 ( 21.258206)
    21.190000 0.050000 21.240000 ( 21.248542)

    This would be faster without blocks.

  6. Bummer Han says:

    my only question is if Ruby runs deterministically the same under jruby as with the dominant ruby interpreter, considering Ruby lang itself is not so well documented.

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