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iPhone Web Application Development with Aptana IDE

By Hendy Irawan / July 9, 2007

The freely available Aptana IDE seems to be moving faster than ever. Aptana is a web developer's IDE with extensive Ruby and Rails support through the RadRails plugin. Having announced support for AIR right after Adobe released a Beta, the latest Aptana IDE already supports development for the just-released Apple iPhone.

Among the features that Aptana IDE provides for iPhone developers include:

  • Preview of your iPhone projects in hortizontal and vertical mode
  • iPhone Project contains starter files to get you going easily on your iPhones apps
  • Easy import of Ajax libraries into iPhone projects
  • Help and online documentation
  • Integrated server that enables you to serve your iPhone apps directly to your iPhone for easy testing
  • A version of Joe Hewitt’s Firebug for iPhone
  • Export wizard for bundling and deploying iPhone applications (coming soon)
  • Integrated content assist for iPhone-specific APIs (coming soon)

Check out the Aptana for iPhone development page for more information. They also provided a nice intro to iPhone development screencast for a quick start.

Note: If you like Aptana IDE, you may want to consider joining their team, as they're currently hiring developers.

About Hendy Irawan

Ruby programmer from Indonesia. View all posts by Hendy Irawan →


  1. topfunky says:

    It seems odd that their iPhone simulation runs in Internet Explorer, given the fact that the iPhone runs on Safari, and Safari for Windows is now available.

  2. Hendy Irawan says:

    Hi Geoffrey,

    Thanks you for the information your provided.

    I'm not even sure of it yet, as I'm running on Ubuntu which currently has no luxury of trying the latest cool apps from Apple and Adobe. :-( [I think that's temporary though, hehehe]

    However Aptana has an official plugin for previewing sites under Firefox. I'm not sure if it applies to *iPhone* development though. ;-)

    See you and keep rocking NubyOnRails :)

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