Gibberish: Simple Localization Plugin for Rails
Gibberish is a Rails plugin developed by Chris Wanstrath which provides a hassle-free text translation capability for your Rails applications. The first application to use it is the Beast forum system.
Most localization tools use either key-string or original-message based translation. Gibberish strikes the balance between these techniques. Consider:
<%= "See you!"[] %>
By default, the translation keys use lowercase and underscored version of the original message, but a key can be provided as a symbol within the [] construction. Translation files are made up of simple YAML. An example id.yml for the above message would be:
see_you: Sampai jumpa!
If you're wondering about parameters in a message (e.g. "Hello, {user}!"), Gibberish also has support for that. All this and more is covered in an Err blog post.
Other localization alternatives: Globalize, Localization plugin.