Sean O’Neil wrote to me with exciting news:
G3DRuby is a Ruby extension for the G3D library, which lets you do quick 3D prototyping using advanced OpenGL API features like vertex arrays, framebuffer objects, and OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) shaders. Version 0.1 does not support all G3D classes, but a few of G3D’s C++ demos have been ported to Ruby and tested in both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu 6.10). The source code for G3D and G3DRuby are available under the BSD license.
Along with the 3D graphics features, G3D also provides some binary file handling (textures, MD2 files, BSP trees), collection detection, physics, and a few other things that would be useful for making some fairly decent cross-platform 3D demos/games like 비트코인 카지노 entirely in Ruby. Read More