Ruby Weekly is a weekly newsletter covering the latest Ruby and Rails news.

Ruby Inside Advertising / Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruby Inside is proud to provide advertising for a range of top Ruby and Rails related companies. All of our advertising opportunities (except job ads) are represented by James Avery of RubyRow, but you can e-mail Ruby Inside's editor, Peter Cooper, at rubyinside -at- to ask questions or make an introduction. Alternatively, read on for some background information to help you make a decision.

Ruby Inside...

  • is the largest news destination for Ruby and Rails developers.
  • has approximately 24,500 feed / RSS subscribers
  • was founded in May 2006
  • has just over 1100 posts (as of September 20, 2010)
  • serves between 170-220,000 pageviews per month(examples: Oct 2009 - 214543 pageviews, Nov 2009 - 195641 pageviews, Dec 2009 - 240971 pageviews)
  • has a sister site, Rails Inside, with approximately 6500 subscribers. Currently our advertising covers both sites at once with Rails Inside adding an extra 20-40k pageviews to the mix!

If you're not already a reader, you can find more informationĀ onĀ our About page. There you'll learn about the people involved, the site's history, etc.

The "Be Everywhere" Sponsorship Package

Ruby Inside is represented by James Avery and Ruby Row, a Ruby advertising network. They offer a great package. It includes a spot on Ruby Inside, Rails Inside, RubyFlow, as well as a rotating spot on 15 other Ruby and Rails sites (find out which). You get a total of about 350,000 impressions over 18 of the most prominent Ruby and Rails related sites for a monthly rate of $1500 or $750 for 2 weeks (ideal for a launch or to test the waters).

Want to learn more? Contact James at Ruby Row.

Or.. have a position to fill? Try our jobs board.

Our jobs board costs $299 for an ad covering 45 days. Your ad will also be mentioned in posts on our blogs. Currently this service is only open to US-based companies. All companies (including non-US ones) can, however, get in touch with us for a more tailored service.

Current and previous ads are for varying companies such as Scribd, TechCrunch, Radical Designs, National Events Company, and ASmallWorld.

Pageview Statistics (from June 2009 through end of November 2009)

Feed Subscriber Numbers Since Launch (from FeedBurner)

Subscriber Graph

From May 2006 to April 2008 (current numbers - in December 2009 - are approx 21,000 at weekends, 22,000 on weekdays - but FeedBurner has eaten our data for before January 2009 so this graph is all we have for the history!)

Ye Olde Site Statistics (Jan 28, 2008 - April 11, 2008)

Ye Olde Site Statistics (April 2007 - January 2008)