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Active Merchant: A payment processing library for Ruby / Rails

By Peter Cooper / July 14, 2006

Active Merchant is a payment processing library for Rails developed by the geniuses behind Rails powered e-commerce system, Shopify. It's under active development with support for different payment processor gateways being added regularly. So far it supports:

  • Moneris
  • TrustCommerce
  • LinkPoint
  • Psigate

They want to integrate with WorldPay and ChronoPay next. The syntax for using Active Merchant and its descendent classes is ridiculously easy, so check it out (code examples viewable there).


  1. Brandon Keepers says:

    I'm working on a plugin called acts_as_billable which builds on top of ActiveMerchant, making payment processing even easier.

  2. Brad says:

    I love it. I plan on integrating this solution. :)
    Thank you!

  3. bongoman says:

    I wish this was available for an Australian gateway. I'm not quite up to the task of hacking it to make it fit but really need to integrate payments.

  4. Hans says:

    I wrote the TrustCommerce integration for AM and am using it in a number of projects right now. It's a thing of silky smooth goodness. Check it out!

  5. Tobias Luetke says:

    I just got a patch at for, an Australian Gateway.

    Please check it out and let me know how it goes. I plan to merge it very soon.

    Thanks for the mention!

  6. bongoman says:

    Ah, that is great re

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